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Belly Dance HOW TO secrets:

Chest movements

Chest movements look more  beautiful when they are done in very  easy and refined  way. For that we need to develop flexibility and strenght of chest muscles and rib cage, but not use it with full magnitude when dancing.

Chest movements develop muscles between ribs, above ribs, back muscles, belly muscles and shoulder muscles.  That’s why exersicing chest movements develops fluency of upper body movements, which enhances femininity!

Basic elements for chest movements:

1.      Increasing and contracting rib cage like when we breath, but only with muscle efforts.

2.       Making deflection of the spine on the level of chest, -  forward, inward, and sideways.

Movements which can be done with the chest:

1.       Accents  up, down, and other directions.

2.       Circles: in horizontal and vertical planes, different directions, and diagonal.

3.       Breast shakes.

For practical details and demonstrations try my DVD "Oriental Arms and Upper Body Techniques"

