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What is Belly Dance (part II)                for part I  click here    

Realization of inner femininity.

 Man usually has tendency to see mainly erotic aspect in bellydance, whereas woman has much deeper experience: it revitalises in her (sometimes hidden) feeling of being feminine.

 Femininity as any other inner natural  quality needs to be expressed and realised in life. In order to realize potential to create music, one has to learn to play musical instrument. In order to realize woman’s potential,  we (ladies) need to develop certain skills. When we train our body in refined feminine way, we welcome our femininity to be expressed first  through the body, and then it starts to flow through our feelings and behavior in general. It is very joyful for a woman to experience her feminine power.

 Self acceptance.

 Every woman is unique, and we discover it again and again in our lessons. It is impossible to make exactly the same movement as someone else does. Here we face the fact that each of us has her own way of moving, and each woman learns to discover and accept her own style. She is as she is, and she moves her own natural way. Each way is beautiful, each body type is accepted.  The self image is gradually changing into more and more positive one. Self acceptance develops and it opens many other possibilities in life.

 State ‘in the dance”

 Belly dance is performed in a state, when dancing woman  is tuned with the music, with her feelings, her body, her knowledge, skills and yet she is totally free in the flow of  movements and expressions. It creates in her  new experience of self, which radiates towards the audience. Therefore many belly dancers take artistic names, which differ from their real names. When they are  bellydancing they live different life, and they seem to be different personalities.

