Interview with Galina.
Galina, what is the secret of belly dance, that more and more
women want to learn it?
Women enjoy to experience their femininty. Through
centuries they benefit from ancient secrets of belly dance, which never lost
its value for them. Belly dance made them more elegant and gracious, helped
to keep a good female health thanks to training hidden inner muscles. It
always was the best way to shape the body in feminine way, giving it
very beautiful curves on the right places.
In order to perform belly dance properly, one needs first
to build up a good condition.
Fitness usually is assotiated with hard
boring muscle work. What makes bellydance-fitness so attractive?
Muscles indeed are working very hard
You said that bellydance has a healing effect. Do you have any examaples?
One of my first students was physiotherapist: she discovered that bellydance movements can correct problems in the spine and stimulate healing during rehabilitation process. One of her patients took my lessons during couple of months and got rid of 2 jears old pain after spine trauma. Another example is Walida, the first belly dancer of Russia, she was one of my teachers. Although doctors did not advice her to have children, she so much improved her condition with belly dance, that at the age of 27 she got a healthy, strong baby. She is the legende with the name "Wonder Woman" becasue of her life story, which was going all around belly dance healing.
Is bellydance-fitness suitable for women of all
In bellydance it does not matter how old you are or how
you look. Movements are suitable for every body type. Bellydance is natural
for the body
Women have an inner experience of belly dance: pleasure
of self expression, flow of the dance which comes throug being in
touch with her deep feminine nature. Inner harmony gives woman her natural
power. Bellydance exsists so long