Belly Dance HOW TO secrets:
How to improvise Belly Dance
When you have learned many belly dance movements, of course you are looking forward to connect them in one beautiful dance. And sometimes it is not easy to do it by yourself, if you never learned any choreography. I will give you some tips which can help you to make your own dance.
First of all we need to learn improvising, or dance
“ on the fly” with familiar music. Then, improvising, we can
select the best choises and assemble them together in the choreography.
Let’s go through the following 5 steps:
Step 1. Move
with the rithm on count
I highly recommend to
take your improvising on video. Videocamera will help you
to see all the mistakes and mismatches between
your dance and music, and to remember best combinations.
Before you start dancing, try to
refresh in your memory about 8 different movements and steps. The more the
better, but it can be also less, no problem in the beginning. It will
improve after each trial.
Decide in which sequence you are going
to make those movements. When you will dance, tune
yourself to repeat each movement 2 or
4 or 8 times according to the music.
When you feel that all the movements
come easy, so that you don’t get in panic thinking what to do next, and
there are no blank spaces in your dance, you are ready for the next step.
Step 2. Move two times slower.
When you succeed with the step 1, try
to dance 2 times more slow. That means to make one movement on each 2
counts. So, each movement takes two times longer.
Complete a whole dance in this way.
Step 3. Alter two diffeernt tempo’s.
Alter movements with both tempo’s.
Make 2 movements on each count, and then the third movement on
two counts. Do it with the same movement, then take another movement and
repeat this pattern.
Step 4. Insert other movements inbetween.
Repeating the same movement 4 or 8
times is of course boring, therefore now we should make
dancing more interesting by inserting here and there one or two other
movements. In the beginning you can ignore the music and
listen only to the rithm. Example: when you repeat movement 8 times
performing step1, repeat it only 6 times, and the last 2
times make some other movement. This combination we can write down as 6-2.
Do this exercise untill the music is over. Then try other combination
of counts, for example 2-2, 3-1,
4-2-2, 4-3-1. Often in classical or traditional oriental
music count can be from 4 till 16 and
even 32.
Step 5. Move with the music.
Now you can start to listen to the
music, not only to the rithm. Try to recognise
where you can do travel steps, where you can make accents, where to
make supple movements, where you can spin and turn, where do shimmy and so
on. Every music has its own rithm and structure, and you can experiment
infinite possibilities.